
Sunday, February 15, 2015


PJ had a great hike today, very engaged with walking on her own and collecting rocks on the way, we saw several coyotes ("foxes").. and this fistful of snakeskin was rather funny.

Friday, February 13, 2015


She looked so happy and I did not want to disturb her... but I think the teachers were ready to go home!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Finally got out of the house around 4.

Lovingly harassed our cat friend

Always photogenic.

Unbelievable weather (Still).

Helicopter flew over, in and out into the hills again.. about 5 times. Looking for something / someone...  Cooool!

PJ spotted a red fox in the graveyard just through the fence after this... we both sat and watched it slink around looking for dinner, for about 5 amazing minutes before some kids on the baseball diamond cottoned on and scared it away!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Tuesday

Taking the long way to the library

Practicing for school

Present for PJ!

This painting of a highland cow is something PJ admired at a party and talked about for months afterwards. BIG! HORNS! BIIIG COWWW! GRASS! Etc... Its by a local artist who is a supporter of the craft/backcountry scene.. So Dad decided to go for it.