
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

At the airport

This trip PJ was very tuned into the airplanes and pointing out her favorite strangers in the terminal (not pictured)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Walking in color

Very cute bottle cap art near the park.


Trying out the hitchcock filter

These definitely looked more sinister on my phone. Hard to inject mystery into an approaching golden retriever!


PJ was determined to hug on little Brooklyn!

Ice cream

Here I was too busy feeding myself to keep up with PJ's own ice cream needs.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

God's work

Can't stop saying this... it's so true.

Spring fling

I thought it was spring here a few months ago.. now there is no doubt!

"Cocoa" comes out almost every time we pass now.

Box elder bugs have been out for a few months in innumerable hoards. They are quite defenseless.

Torturing them is sooooo much fun!!
All smiles.

Drinking game

Guess I should have gotten video..

Same old

Dad and PJ go for a long hike every Sunday morning, no matter the weather. Here they are coming back.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

End and carnage

Wow.. egg hunt was probably the highlight of PJ's life so far :)


Egg hunt!!!

I couldn't delete any of these.. too funny!

I didn't realize how intent she was until I looked at the photos..


I tried to avoid this scenario with PJ and both baskets.. lest we face an endless loop of transferring back and forth. "God's work" as Sumer calls it.