
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

More ant pics

She was really getting the hang of the 'ant' this morning.. we were cracking up watching her pull it all around the house, so proud. Getting her some decent shoes she can actually walk in might have helped..

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Swim class

This was a lot for PJ to take at once, but we think she'll love it pretty soon.. Most of the other kids had been coming for a while and looked very comfortable. By the end she was feeling ok, you can kind of see the progression..

Just dunked!

Friday, February 21, 2014


We thought these were pretty funny.. it's not easy to eat spaghetti!

Our bud Emerson

Had a date with Emerson at the mall today.  Moms did some damage at Baby Gap.  Watched Sara score tons of swag at the beauty counter.. it was eye-opening ;)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hands full

Now that she's walking it seems like things have really changed. Definitely a major life transition, from baby to toddler.  Never really felt sad or nostalgic before this..

Trail break

When she was fast asleep I figured why keep lugging her around.. she's getting heavy. I got a cute photo when I managed to prop her up.  Thought I heard a moose in the first pic but it was just someone shoveling. Close call!

Some walking


Alister thinks he and the octopus look eerily similar.