
Friday, January 31, 2014

This week

I finally got an iphone, so.. be prepared for an overabundance of selfies and Instagram filters..

She thinks my 2005 ipod is some kind of remote control.. ignoring the tiny screen that flickers constantly and can't be swiped (i.e., slapped) into submission.. pretty funny to watch her point it at things and furrow her brow.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New corner

The tighter, dirtier, or more cluttered with unstable objects the better!

The net

Working on making Alister's house less of a death trap ;) Net in progress...


Sorry about the lack of posts.. Will resume at the end of the week! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Funny how she has walked several steps.. many times.. over the past month or so, but doesn't seem all that intent on it. Oh well.. I do like to carry her around :)

Appreciate the sweater craftsmanship in the last 3 photos.. thanks again to Carla! After being worn many, many times, abused, dirtied... still looks tight. Holla!! We miss you.