
Friday, November 29, 2013

Pug shots

I would definitely let Tula babysit (in a pinch)... Pugs are so gentle and sweet!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So big!

No wonder every parent gets their baby to do this....

Duh! It's the cutest!

Dismount shots

I've been feeling better about her love of heights since she learned how to *turn around*

Although I still freak a little (pictured)

Playing on the table

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More krispies!

Thanks to Omie & Papa for introducing this fine food. She can't get them in fast enough!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Books with dad

..And other stuff

Trivial Pursuit pieces (always a draw) and the bic (just this once)..

New toys..

Tackling some birthday loot... dual-purpose puzzle blocks, wooden stacking rings, and a crafted furry 'rainstick.' Thanks to all!